Clue About Town
Play “Clue about Town” and win two free tickets and gift card to Clue May 3, 4 or 5.
Simply visit the businesses listed below and find out if they represent a character, weapon, or location from the famous board game. Eliminate as many options as you can and guess the murderer, the murder weapon, and the location using the Clue Checklist Form.
Bring your guess to the FCCT Box Office located at 120 South Washington Street in La Grange by Tuesday, April 23rd by noon. Participants with the correct guess will be entered into a drawing for the prize. All correct guesses will be given 10% off tickets to any Clue performance.
Contact the Box Office with questions or to pick up a checklist form.
Participating Businesses
Arts for Rural Texas at 114 North Live Oak Street
Fayetteville Bank at 107 West Fayette Street
La Grange
Bodega at 201 West Travis
Fayette Public Library, Museum & Archives at 855 Jefferson
Fayette Saving Bank at 111 East Travis Street
La Grange Main Street at 254 North Jefferson Street
Latte on the Square at 219 West Travis Street
Le Petite Gourmet Shoppe at 226 West Colorado Street
LG Print at 155 West Travis Street
Mac's Daqs Bar & Lounge at 108 West Colorado Street
National Bank and Trust at 145 West Travis Streeet
Potluck Trading Company/The Annex at 207 West Travis Street
Reba's Deli and Pizzeria at 539 East Colorado Street
Round Top Real Estate in La Grange at 103 North Main Street
Texas Quilt Museum at 140 West Colorado Street
Round Top
Round Top Family Library at 206 West Mill
Jack & Mary's at 610 Lyons Avenue
Stanzel Model Aircraft Museum at 311 Baumgarten Street